Monday, September 27, 2010

For Halloween, I actually broke my own rule this year, and decorated a week before October!  My little Grayson was dying for October 1st, and he just freaks out with Joy for Halloween decorations.  So here's a photo of my little entryway display, and a little witch I made years ago but can't bring myself to get rid of her.  also for any Utah friends, check out the Crafter's corner in Orem-  so fun!  You go in and pick a craft to make, and for a $5 crafter's fee, you get to use all their materials and make your craft right there!  I made this cute Boo complete with eyeballs and spiders, and the mess stayed there!  Love it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh my gosh that boo is so cute! Well..all your decorations are :)